Being Social and Using Technology!!!

There seems to be the notion that technology and anti social behaviour go hand in hand. However, I don’t believe this is the case? Tamara Quinn has written a blog on the same topic, speaking about anti social behaviour and mobile phones.

She has shown that before mobile phones, people still had their heads in newspapers and books. The introduction of technology has merely taken over the way we receive our day to day news. Another article she found was about a dinner party, where one of the people attending was on their phone the whole time, not listen or engaging in the conversations around the table. The result of this person’s actions were that the other members at the party thought that he was being very rude.


Everyone these days carries their mobile phone with them where ever they go, due to the technology available in phones these days. Gone are the days of a phone just being used to make calls to people. Now they can surf the web, send messages, chat with people all over the world and even store receipts and movie tickets.


The man sitting at the table doing nothing but stare into his mobile phone screen, can’t blame technology for causing him to be anti social. It was that person’s choice to be on their phone the whole time, especially when there was a flowing conversation going on. Many people I know, will peer at their phone every so often to check they don’t have a notification but it doesn’t cause then to be anti social or ruin the conversation.


I believe that using technology doesn’t make you anti social. Having my phone on me isn’t going to stop me from talking with someone right next to me. If I am on my phone in your presence, it is more likely that you have failed to be social with me and I’m seeking to be social else where.

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